Validation of methods for determining ascorbic acid by high performance thin layer chromatography

  • Е. Ф. Сафонова Safonova Elena F. - Ph.D. (рharmaceutical chemistry), Associate Professor, Head. the Department of Pharmacy, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, e-mail:
  • О. В. Тринеева Trineeva Olga V. - Ph.D. (рharmaceutical hemistry), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology Faculty of Pharmacy, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, e-mail:
  • А. И. Сливкин Slivkin Alexei I. - prof., grand Ph.D (рharmaceutical chemistry), Head. the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Voronezh State University, Voronezh. e-mail:
Keywords: ascorbic acid, high-performance thin-layer chromatography, validation.


For the identification and quantitative determination of ascorbic acid chromatographic methods are
widely used recently. TLC, having all the advantages of chromatographic methods, is widely used in view of
their rapidity, availability of sufficient sensitivity, selectivity and ease of the analysis. However, using the
TLC method in pharmaceutical analysis is limited primarily, only the establishment of a purity of drugs and
substances of ordinary dosage forms. The authors have developed and patented method of determination of
ascorbic acid by thin layer chromatography sorbent that can be used as a quality control substance complex
and monocomponent preparations or plant facilities of dietary supplements, premixes, cosmetic products and
food industries. This technique makes it possible not only to obtain the chromatograms clear ascorbic acid
zone round shape with an Rf value of the optimal value, but also to carry out the separation of complex
mixtures of vitamin C with other biologically active substances, as well as to evaluate its quantitative content
in the samples. However, in order that the proposed analytical procedure has taken a worthy place in the
quality assurance system that is guaranteed authentic and accurate analysis results, further procedure for its
validation (qualification) was carried out. From a practical point of view during the validation process of the
development of new techniques, you can quickly identify their shortcomings and in the early stages
significantly improve technique. Practice validation experiments gives understanding of the techniques and
awareness of the need for strict observance of its parameters. As a result, during the subsequent operation of
a validated method significantly reduces the likelihood of errors. The aim of the study was to validate the
developed method of identification and quantitative determination of ascorbic acid by high performance thin
layer chromatography sorbent. Spend validation of developed methods of identification and quantitative
determination of ascorbic acid by high performance thin layer chromatography in terms of detection limit,
specificity, linearity, efficiency, and repeatability. The technique can be used in quality control substance,
monocomponent and complex preparations containing ascorbic acid, medicinal plants, food supplements,
premixes, products of the food and cosmetic industries


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How to Cite
Сафонова, Е. Ф., Тринеева, О. В., & Сливкин, А. И. (2018). Validation of methods for determining ascorbic acid by high performance thin layer chromatography. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(3), 414-421.