Comparison of the sorption properties of native and thermally the modified dolomite in relation to the iron cations

  • Е. Н. Калюкова Kaljukova Eugenia N. - Candidate of chemistry science, associate Professor of the Department of Safety, ecology and chemistry, Ulyanovsk state technical University, Ulyanovsk
  • Т. А. Нефедьева Nefedyeva Tatyana A. – the postgraduate student of the 3st year of studies, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, e-mail:
  • Н. В. Благовещенская Blagoveshchenskya Nina V. – Ph.D. (biology), professor of department of general and biological chemistry, Ulyanovsk state university, Ulyanovsk
Keywords: adsorption, natural filtering materials, sorption isotherms.


Process of adsorption of cations of iron of solutions on a natural sorbent – the dolomite used in various
modifications is investigated (granules, thermally processed dolomite, native dolomite). The analysis was
carried out by a photometric and electrometric method by the certified techniques. Quantitative characteristics
of process of adsorption of cations of iron (III) are received, value of a hydrogen indicator is defined (before
contact of solution with a sorbent). In all initial solutions a hydrogen indicator lower than 7. But at addition
of thermally modified sorbent value of a hydrogen indicator grows, in this regard also extent of cleaning
of cations of iron (III) increases. Ten-percentage additive of thermally modified dolomite to initial dolomite
increases extent of purification of solution of Fe3+ cations practically by 100%. At a research of process of
adsorption of cations of iron (III) of solutions on natural sorbents a molding, diatomite, dolomite it is established
that all studied natural sorbents have sorption properties in relation to cations of iron (III). In size of
the adsorptive ability in relation to cations of iron (III) the natural filtering materials can be rowed: a molding
> diatomite > dolomite (according to the previous researches). The combined sorbent – native dolomite, a
molding or diatomite with additive of the filtering material of dolomite which is thermally processed natural
has the increased adsorptive ability, and allows to receive higher extent of purification of solution


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How to Cite
Калюкова, Е. Н., Нефедьева, Т. А., & Благовещенская, Н. В. (2018). Comparison of the sorption properties of native and thermally the modified dolomite in relation to the iron cations. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(3), 429-435.