Dehydration of meat of grape snail «Helix pomatia» researched by IR spectroscopy and thermal analysis techniques

  • О. В. Перегончая Peregonchaya Olga V., Ph.D. (chemistry), associate prof., department of chemistry VSAU, Voronezh, E-mail:
  • И. А. Глотова Glotova Irina А. - prof., grand Ph.D (engineering), department of processing of animal husbandry products VSAU, Voronezh, Е-mail:
  • О. С. Кусакина Kusakina Oksana S., the postgraduate student, department of processing of animal husbandry products VSAU, Voronezh, E-mail:
  • Л. А. Синяева Siniaeva Liliia A., the postgraduate student, departament of analytical chemistry, VSU,Email:
Keywords: snail, infrared absorption spectroscopy, drying, dehydration, thermolysis


Grape snail «Helix pomatia» is a valuable raw material for bioprocessing. Its meat is rich in protein
with a unique set of amino acids. The drying stage is required due to the high humidity of this product. The
selection of temperature conditions of drying is relevant. The research results of thermolysis of «Helix pomatia»
grape snail meat were presented in this article. Infrared absorption spectroscopy (IRS) and differential
scanning colorimetry (DSC) methods were used. When samples heating to 60-70°C their protein structure
don't disturb, this fact was reaserched by the method of IRS identified. Thermolysis athigher temperatures
leads to the destructio of the protein secondary structure and partial decomposition of the organic components.
The kinetic analysis of the dehydration product was accomplished as a result of using DSC technique.
The formal mechanism of the process was determined. The values of effective activation energies of
stages of dehydration were calculated. The desiccation to constant weight leads to the almost complete removal
of water from meat of grape snail. The desiccation in order conservation of biological values of raw
materials and the quality of the food is advantageously carried out at temperatures less than 60°C.


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How to Cite
Перегончая, О. В., Глотова, И. А., Кусакина, О. С., & Синяева, Л. А. (2018). Dehydration of meat of grape snail «Helix pomatia» researched by IR spectroscopy and thermal analysis techniques. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(3), 460-465.