Research of sorption properties efirsulfonpoliamidnoy membrane techniques X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry

  • Ю. М. Головин Golovin Yuri M. – Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Chemistry, chair Physics, TSTU, Tambov
  • С. И. Лазарев Lazarev Sergey I. – Post Head of the Department, Dr.Sci.Tech., the professor, chair Applied geometry and a computer drawing, TSTU, Tambov, E-mail:
  • Э. Ю. Яновская Yanovsky Hellene Yu. – associate Professor, Geoinformation systems and technologies, Moscow
  • Д. С. Лазарев Lazarev Dmitry S. – student, TSTU, Tambov
  • С. А. Вязовов Viazovov Sergey А. - Associate Professor, TSTU, chair Applied geometry and a computer drawing, Tambov
  • О. А. Ковалева Kovaleva Olga А. - Associate Professor, TSTU, chair Applied geometry and a computer drawing, Tambov
Keywords: sorption processes, crystallinity, amorphousness, efirsulfonpoliamidnaya membrane endothermic effect.


Investigations of the structural properties of the composite reverse osmosis membrane efirsulfonpoliamidnoy
the ESPA methods of X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). It was found
that in the process vodonabuhanie efirsulfonpoliamidnoy membrane, a decrease of X-ray degree of crystallinity
(IC). Differential scanning calorimetry DSC endotherm reliably fixes bimodal shape at temperatures of
2500 C and 2540 С responsible for melting the crystalline phase. Reduction in the degree of crystallinity of
water sorption is likely due to the redistribution between the amount ratio and better less crystalline phases in
the polyamide 6.6 crystallites having different values of the melting enthalpy


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How to Cite
Головин, Ю. М., Лазарев, С. И., Яновская, Э. Ю., Лазарев, Д. С., Вязовов, С. А., & Ковалева, О. А. (2018). Research of sorption properties efirsulfonpoliamidnoy membrane techniques X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(3), 466-474.