Anthocyanins of grape fruits: the determination of types by gradient RP HPLC and the separation into two parts by flash chromatography

  • С. Л. Макаревич Макаrevitch Sergey L. - chemical engineer, Belgorod Interregional Veterinary laboratory, Belgorod, е-mail:
  • В. И. Дейнека Deineka Victor I. - Dr. Sci. (Chemistry), professor of Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, e-mail:
  • А. Н. Чулков Chulkov Andrey N. – Ph.D., Belgorod Branch of Federal State-Funded Institution «Federal Centre of Quality and Safety Assurance for Grain and Grain products», Belgorod, E-mail:
  • Л. А. Дейнека Deineka Ludmila A. - Ph.D. (Chemistry), professor assistant of Common Chemistry Chair of Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
  • В. Ф. Селеменев Selemenev Vladimir F. – the professor, head of the department of Analitical chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh
Keywords: RP-HPLC, flash chromatography, grapes, 3,5-diglucoside, 3-glucosides spectrophotometric detection


In the paper the method of reversed-phase HPLC with diode-array and mass spectroscopic detection was used for investigated of the grape anthocyanin species composition of the popular local grape variety unknown breeding. The appearance of derivatives of 3,5-diglucosides indicates the hybrid nature of this grape variety. The anthocyanins specie composition has some specific fixture – the prevalence of delphinidine derivatives compared to that of petunidin and malvidin, as well as relatively high degree of acylation with acetic and p-coumaric acids. In this case only a gradient reversed-phase HPLC is an effective method for solute separation. But it has been shown that the solvatochromic effect impairs uncertainty to quantitative assessment of species composition by the areas of the peaks on the chromatogram. Though comparison of the grape anthocyanin spectra for various acetonitrile concentrations revealed a specific point on the spectra with absorption not dependent upon solvent composition. The wave length of the point was proposed to register the chromatogram for quantitative calculation of anthocyanins species composition. To make it possible to perform the anthocyanins separation by isocratic HPLC the flash chromatography was used to separate anthocyanin components into two parts, non-acylated and acylated compounds by the usage of syringe cartridges for the solid phase extraction


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How to Cite
Макаревич, С. Л., Дейнека, В. И., Чулков, А. Н., Дейнека, Л. А., & Селеменев, В. Ф. (2018). Anthocyanins of grape fruits: the determination of types by gradient RP HPLC and the separation into two parts by flash chromatography. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(4), 624-632.