Study of the concentration of La3+, Се3+, Pr3+ ions from mixed solutions by the zeolite tuff method using the simplex lattice method

  • Б. В. Дампилова Dampilova Bayarma V. – Ph. D (Chem), researcher, Geological Institute Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude,
  • Э. Л. Зонхоева Zonkhoeva Elvira L. - Ph. D (Chem), leading researcher, Geological Institute Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude,
Keywords: simplified grating method, sorption, rare-earth elements, zeolit


The purpose of this work was to investigate the effect of interactions between the ions of light rare-earth elements La (x1), Ce (x2), Pr (x3) in mixed solutions on the degree of their extraction by natural zeolite tuff by the simplex lattice method. A regression equation was found, the adequacy of which was estimated by the Student's test. From the analysis of the resulting equation, the effect of pair interactions in La-Ce and La-Pr mixtures on the decrease of the total capacity of the sorbent follows, whereas interactions in mixtures of Ce-Pr, on the contrary, led to its increase. The extraction of the sum of metal ions from ternary mixtures is higher than from double mixtures and individual solutions. The graphic image of the response surface of the La-Ce-Pr system is given in the form of a ternary diagram of the level lines. The response surface reveals complex relationships between variables. The values of the independent variables that fall in the central region of the ternary diagram are optimal for the maximum extraction of the sum of metals. Sorption of REE mixture under dynamic conditions on zeolite tuff from technogenic waters of the Khiagdinsky uranium-scandium-rare-earth deposit was studied. Chemical analysis of anthropogenic water showed the presence of Ce > La > Y> Yb ions in descending order. The sum of recovered REE was 0.51 mg, which corresponded to their complete recovery. The distribution of cerium and lanthanum ions along the column has an uneven adsorption-desorption character, in contrast to yttrium and ytterbium ions, uniformly distributed along the length of the column. The adsorption-desorption character of sorption, which is most pronounced for Ce ions, confirms the strong effect of their presence, detected by the simplex lattice method, on the capacity of zeolite tuff


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How to Cite
Дампилова, Б. В., & Зонхоева, Э. Л. (2018). Study of the concentration of La3+, Се3+, Pr3+ ions from mixed solutions by the zeolite tuff method using the simplex lattice method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(5), 797-803.