Application of mathematical methods for description and optimization of the processes of sorption and chromatography (on the centennial of M.M. Senyavin)

  • Eugeny V. Venitsianov Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Laboratory Water Protection The Institute of Water Problems of RAS, Moscow,
Keywords: sorption, ion exchange, dynamics, modelling, optimization


The article is dedicated to the memory of prominent scientist, Professor M. M. Senyavin, one of the first specialists in our country, assess the great potential use of mathematical methods in description of sorption processes, especially for the dynamics simulation and calculation of these processes in the technology of inorganic substances. Ultimately, this contributed to the establishment and strengthening of the priority of Russian scientists in the theory and practice of ion exchange and molecular sorption, for example, in the areas of water conditioning at thermal and nuclear power stations, extraction of useful components from natural and technogenic waters, the solution of environmental problems related to radiation and chemically contaminated wastewaters. Subsequently, these same studies served as the basis for the development of the theory of chromatography.

M.M. Senyavin contributed to the development of a number of sorption technologies in industry and utilities. Lists some: hydrometallurgy; extraction of valuable components from solutions; medical (chemical sorbtion); water for industrial or household purposes; analysis in different variants of chromatography.

To create effective technologies and devices he pioneered the method of mathematical modeling. The first used an approach based on the use of layered models to the multicomponent ion exchange. Was solved a number of important chemical-technological tasks:

 calculation of process of demineralization of water for water treatment in heat power engineering; in this account the dissociation of ions in solution and ion exchanger; formulation and solution of the problem optimization of complex technological schemes of water demineralization for water treatment.

Developed optimization method allows to find optimal modes of existing plants and the design and operating parameters of the designed installations. This work was implemented on a number of major heat and nuclear power plants of Russia.

In subsequent years, the approach based on equations of dynamics of sorption equations were substantially developed in the works of N.Tikhonova and R. Hamizova. List the most important results in this direction: the theory of ion-exchange processes in supersaturated solutions; non-isothermal ion-exchange method for enrichment of solutions (method of «swinging wave»); separation of isotopes in a mixture of the two sorbents by the method of «solid-phase buffering»; integral-sorption method of controlling the composition of wastewater. Fruitful was developed by M. M. Senyavin scientific direction, connected with the use of mathematical models as a method of calculating processes and the method of mathematical experiment


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How to Cite
Venitsianov, E. V. (2018). Application of mathematical methods for description and optimization of the processes of sorption and chromatography (on the centennial of M.M. Senyavin). Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(6), 844-856.