Realization of M.M.Senjavin’s ideas in the field of speciation analysis of natural objects by ion chromatography method

  • Nadezhda К. Kolotilina Scientific associate, Lab of Sorption Methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
  • Anatoly М. Dolgonosov Dr.Sci.(Chem.), Leading scientific associate, Lab of Sorption Methods, GEOKHI RAS, Prof. of Chemistry Chair, University «Dubna», Moscow , e-mail;
  • Andrey G. Prudkovsky Dr.Sci (Phys., Math.) Leading scientific associate, Lab of Sorption Methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
Keywords: ion chromatography, speciation analysis, mathematical modeling, natural waters, fumarole’s gases


Professor M.M.Senjavin’s ideas at the sunrise of development of domestic ion chromatography concerned to unification problem of chromatographic analysis: managing the analysis running must be not intuitive, which decrees analysis objectivity, but based on results of mathematical modeling of ion-exchange processes. In additionally, the method must be informative enough to choice a strategy of analysis running. Thus, the ion chromatography basic method needs to get more high degree of separation, sensitivity and selectivity of determination. Taking into account Senjavin’s ideas, authors of the present paper have carried out a complex of investigations in the field of theory and practice of ion chromatography. They contain following developments: high-selective and sensitive techniques for micro-components determination, based on ion-exchange reactions, which allow us to selective manage the conductivity of analytes either multiply increasing the degree of dissociation or on the contrary precipitating or decreasing the degree of dissociation; techniques of simultaneous determination of anions and cations, based both on bipolarity of separation stationary phases and an idea of manageable on-column transformation of co-ions to counter-ions with using chelating or redox reagents; a computer program based on high-level mathematical modeling of ion chromatography. The program IONCHROM allows us to solve tasks on plotting a theoretical chromatogram for given parameters of chromatograph and mixture, choosing optimal conditions for separation of given mixture and the problem of chemical analysis: identification and quantitative determination of sample’s components.

The opportunity of application of the new methods for speciation analysis of complex natural objects, e.g. insipid and high mineral waters, potable waters, geological objects, is demonstrated. Particularly, an example of sulfur forms and other ions determination in fumarole’s gas condensates is described in detail


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How to Cite
KolotilinaN. К., DolgonosovA. М., & Prudkovsky, A. G. (2018). Realization of M.M.Senjavin’s ideas in the field of speciation analysis of natural objects by ion chromatography method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(6), 857-876.