Chromatographic opportunity of the integrated sorption method for control of emergency resets

  • Eugeny V. Venitsianov Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Laboratory Water Protection The Institute of Water Problems of RAS, Moscow, e-mail:
  • Galina А. Zvezdenkova Jr. research associate lab. Water protection, the Institute of Water Problems of RAS, Moscow, e-mail:
Keywords: sorption, monitoring, contaminant, dynamics, modelling, optimization


Two options were considered identification emergency uncontrolled discharge of pollutants into the wastewater and water facilities, when not known in advance the pollutant discharge and its time. In the case of discharge into a water body also do not know the place of discharge. The first option – the creation of a system of automated stations alarm monitoring, operating in discrete mode. It allows you to identify the part of discharge that meets the requirements of accuracy, i.e. it is a risk-oriented system. Monte-Carlo, designed the security, i.e. the probability of identification of discharges with known accuracy and frequency of measurements.

This approach represents a new method of identification of chromatographic peaks under conditions of uncertainty of information: we do not know the number of the component in terms of mass transfer with constant velocity and kinetic peak dispersion; there is a statistically uncertain effect of interference (background, error of analytical determination) on the shape of the chromatographic curve. Under these conditions, the determination of all the peaks is impossible. It is a variant of stochastic chromatography. It is possible to evaluate the probability of determining the mass of the substances at the peak, the time position of its receipt in the stream.

In analytical chromatography the main requirement is a strict determinism of implementation. In practice, however, tasks are chromatographic in nature can be stochastic in nature. The proposed theory provides an answer to the question of quantitative assessment of probability of identification of the initial conditions.

The second option is based on the integral sorption method for identifying chromatographic discharges. Used multistage sorption cartridge is formed in which the distribution of the discharge of substances in the form of a peak. At the same time the concentration of the component that facilitates the analytical determination of the concentrations in the filter sections. It also raises the probability of error in determining the concentrations in sections, and hence determine the initial conditions for the discharge of substances into water sources


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How to Cite
Venitsianov, E. V., & ZvezdenkovaG. А. (2018). Chromatographic opportunity of the integrated sorption method for control of emergency resets. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(6), 917-926.