The role of sorption effects in distribution of extractive substances between Glycyrrhizae radices and the extractant
Purpose. The article presents results of the study on the static distribution process of extractive substances between Glycyrrhizae radices matrix and the extractant. Methods and methodology. For study purposes, six samples of plant raw material from three different manufacturers were used. One sample of plant raw material was ground by rolling and the other samples were ground by impact cutting. For the extraction purposes, plant raw material with particle size of 0.1-0.5 mm was used. The processes of extractive substances’ distribution between phases were carried out at temperature of 4, 20, 35 (60), and 40±1 ºС. The process of extraction was carried out by maceration for 24 hours. Ethanol with concentration of 71±1 % v/v was used as an extracting agent. Distribution of extractive substances between phases was studied at plant raw material weight / extractant volume ratio of 1:3, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, and 1:60. Results. In the result of the study carried out, it has been determined that distribution of extractive substances between phases is dominated by sorption laws and Freundlich equation as a part of the Dubinin’s theory of micropore filling describes this process with a reasonable degree of accuracy. It has been found that the grinding method has an influence on adsorption level of extractive substances in Glycyrrhizae radices matrix. Conclusions. It has been also found that the extraction system is characterized by three types of constants, which describe the maximum level of adsorption degree of extractive substances in the plant raw material matrix, concentration of substances in the extract at maximum adsorption level, and energy of adsorption / desorption process of substances.
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