Gas chromatographic determination of formaldehyde, methanol, phenol and cresols in diapers by vapor phase analysis

  • Victor B. Khabarov Candidat of Chemistry, senior research worker, Federal State Budgetary Foundation of Science A.N. Frumkin, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, е-mail: Khabarov@phyche.ас.ru
  • Larisa I. Panina Doctor of Chemical sciens, professor, the main scientific worker NIOKO «Bioecomonitoring», Moscow
  • Anatolij I. L'vov design engineer NIOKO «Bioecomonitoring», Moscow
Keywords: gas chromatography, headspace, polyphenylquinoxalines, nappy, polychrome-3, polychrome-1, polietilenglikoladipinat, formaldehyde, methanol, phenol, cresol.


The results of gas chromatographic analysis of formaldehyde, methanol, phenol and cresols in cellulose-based diapers by vapor phase analysis at a temperature of 80 ° C are presented in the article. The purpose of this study is to separate the gas chromatographic determination of formaldehyde, methanol, phenol and cresols in diapers (mg/kg) by vapor phase analysis and selective concentration of phenol and cresols on polychrome-3. Gas chromatographic determination of volatile organic compounds in diapers was performed by headspace at 80°C. Phenol and cresols, nitrogen extracted from samples of diapers, concentrated on a polychrome-3 at room temperature. Formaldehyde and methanol were transferred into the dosing loop volume of 15 cm3 device headspace and injected from the dosing loop to an analytical column 

with polyphenylquinoxalines. To increase the detection sensitivity, separated on a column of polyphenylquinoxalines, formaldehyde and methanol are converted to methane on raney nickel at a temperature of 240 °C and detected by FID gas chromatograph. Samples phenols centered in the cartridge at the hub polychrome-3 was introduced into the analytical column with 2% to polietilenglikoladipinata polychrome-1 by using a thermal desorption apparatus which eliminates smearing samples of phenols in the evaporator and the sorption on the silicone membrane vaporizer gas chromatograph.

Sanitary-chemical studies have shown that in diapers contained (mg/kg) formaldehyde 10-30, 5-10 methanol, phenol 1 and cresol 0.4-2.0. Diaper containing 50% cellulose and 50% thermomechanical pulp contains more formaldehyde in methanol and 3 times 2 times in comparison with the diapers containing 100% pulp.

A diaper containing 50% cellulose and 50% thermomechanical mass exceeds the MAC by formaldehyde 1.5 times. Diapers containing 100% cellulose and 70% cellulose and 30% thermomechanical mass do not exceed the maximum permissible concentration by formaldehyde. Developed a technique should be used for process control of sanitary-chemical characteristics of diapers and certification of safety indicators. For sanitary-chemical research diapers advisable to use headspace analysis with separate formaldehyde and methanol column polyphenylquinoxalines, concentration of phenols in the cartridge hub at polychrome-3 and their introduction into the column with 2% polietilenglikoladipinata on polychrome-1 by thermal desorption.


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How to Cite
Khabarov, V. B., Panina, L. I., & L’vov, A. I. (2018). Gas chromatographic determination of formaldehyde, methanol, phenol and cresols in diapers by vapor phase analysis. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 18(5), 696-708.