Interphase distribution of palladium(II) different-charged chloride complexes in extraction systems based on liquid anion exchangers

  • Tamara N. Simonova Ph.D. (chemistry), as- sociate professor, department of analytical chemi- stry, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, e- mail:
  • Elena S. Gontar Ph.D. (chemistry), researcher, department of analytical chemistry, Donetsk Na- tional University, Donetsk
Keywords: extraction, chloride complexes of Palladium (II), liquid anion exchangers, primary alkylamines С12-С18, hetero-radical tertiary alkylamines.


The extraction of palladium(II) different-charged chloride acid complexes was investigated depend- ing on structure of the liquid anion exchanger in chloroform and the concentration of ligand. Extractants 0.1 M solutions of primary alkylamine nitrates were studied (using n-dodecylammonium as an example), extrac- tants tertiary alkylamines were also used (dimethyl-n-dodecylammonium and tri-n-octylammonium (TOA) as an examples). The differentiation of the extraction behavior of liquid anion exchangers of various structures during the extraction of palladium(II) mixed-charge chloride complexes has been established. In concentrated chloride solutions with a ratio of [Pd2+] /[Cl] = 1:1700, where [PdCl4]2– is in equilibrium with high charged acid complexes (HCAC) [PdCl5]3–, [PdCl6]4–, the behavior of 4-n-dodecylammonium and dimethyl-n- dodecylammonium is approximately equivalent (R = 74 and 68%).

Higher degree of extraction compared with three-n-octylammonium (R = 28%) is observed for these extractants. The reducing of tertiary alkylamine radicals volume by replacing of two alkyl radicals with me- thyl ones makes it possible to reduce steric factors and to use different-radicals tertiary alkylamines to extract HCAC of palladium(II) that was not previously used for these purposes. An increase in the concentration of the extractant dimethyl-n-dodecylammonium to 0.2 mol / dm3 leads to the complete extraction of the analyte. In the system with the ratio [Pd2+] / [Cl] = 1:4 TOA extracts palladium(II) by 58% from the aqueous phase. The separation of anionic forms of palladium in chloride solutions was established by extraction and molecu- lar absorption spectrophotometry. The absorption maximum of palladium associates with n- dodecylammonium and dimethyl-n-dodecylammonium in the extracts and the aqueous phase is at λ = 470nm. In the absorption spectrum of TOA associate with a maximum is observed at λ = 430 nm, which is a cha- racteristic of low-charged acid complex. The composition [C12H25(CH3)2NH]3PdCl5 of palladium(II) asso- ciate with dimethyl n-dodecyammonium in the organic phase was established by the methods of equilibrium shift and molecular absorption spectrophotometry.


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How to Cite
Simonova, T. N., & Gontar, E. S. (2018). Interphase distribution of palladium(II) different-charged chloride complexes in extraction systems based on liquid anion exchangers. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 18(6), 934-939.