Optimization of HPLC methods for control of anthocyanes composition of wines and wine matherials

  • Alexander A. Drob’ PhD Student, Chemistry Department, Lomonosov State University, Moscow
  • Georgy G. Vasiyarov Head of chromatography department, JSC «BioChemMack S&T», Moscow
  • Elena V. Titova PhD (chemistry), Leadering Researcher, JSC «BioChemMack S&T», Moscow
  • Sergei M. Staroverov grand PhD (chemistry), CEO JSC «BioChemMack S&T», Head of Laboratory «New chemical technologies for medicine», Chemistry Department, Lomonosov State University, Moscow, e-mail: staroverov@bcmt.ru
  • Yuri T. Yakuba grand PhD (chemistry), Leadering Researcher, Head of core facilities «Instrumental and Analytical», North Caucasian Federal Research Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making, Krasnodar
  • Tatyana I. Guguchkina grand PhD (agriculture), professor, Head of the scientific center of winemaking, North Caucasian Federal Research Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making, Krasnodar
Keywords: anthocyanes, reversed-phase HPLC, HILIC, wine materials.


       The experimental data on the anthocyanin analysis in wines and wine materials by RP-HPLC were obtained. The effect of different acids on the quality of the separation was established. The joint use of RP HPLC systems with formic and trifluoroacetic acids to obtain comprehensive information on the anthocyanin composition of wines and wine materials is proposed. The use of hydrophilic chromatography (HILIC) for
the analysis of red wines and wine materials first proposed as alternative method to the fluorimetric detection. The advantages of HILIC mode for preliminary quantitative assessment of Mvd-3,5-diGlu content in wines and wine materials are shown. The analysis confirmed the presence of Mvd-diGlu in one sample in significant amounts (over 100 mg/l with total anthocyanin content of ~300 mg/l). This indicates that this sample of wine is made from a hybrid grape variety. A qualitative and quantitative anthocyanin analysis of 13 varietal wine samples (from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes) were made by main wineries of Krasnodar region was carried out using methods of differential spectrophotometry and HPLC. The different quantitative results obtained by spectrophotometry and HPLC were demonstrated. 

        On the basis of the obtained data, it was concluded that it is possible to determine the varietal belonging of wines and wine materials using HPLC.


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How to Cite
Drob’, A. A., Vasiyarov, G. G., Titova, E. V., Staroverov, S. M., Yakuba, Y. T., & Guguchkina, T. I. (2019). Optimization of HPLC methods for control of anthocyanes composition of wines and wine matherials. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 19(2), 179-186. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2019.19/736