Editorial policy




The journal "Sorptsionnye i khromatograficheskie protsessy" ("Sorption and Chromatographic Processes") publishes scientific articles in Russian and English devoted to the study of the structure and properties of natural and synthetic sorbents, carriers, ion-exchange granules and membrane materials; thermodynamics, kinetics and dynamics of sorption, ion-exchange, membrane processes; theoretical and practical aspects of various chromatographic methods.

The journal "Sorptsionnye i khromatograficheskie protsessy" ("Sorption and Chromatographic Processes") is the successor of the collection "Theory and practice of sorption processes".

The purpose of the journal is to provide open access to the results of original research papers, research reviews and to facilitate the exchange of information on the synthesis, modification, change of properties of sorbents and carriers during their operation; kinetics and mechanism of formation of ion-exchange films, surfaces, and heterostructures; modeling of sorption, ion exchange and membrane processes, as well as the use of ion exchange, sorption and membrane technologies in industry, environmental protection, medicine, criminology.

Objectives of the journal: coverage of works aimed at the study of sorption and chromatographic processes in various environments; expansion of scientific knowledge in the field of possible applications of various sorbents for practical purposes; increasing the audience of readers by attracting specialists in the field of chemistry and biology, which will raise the level of discussion of scientific research and the quality of published materials.

The core of the journal is original articles describing the results of major ongoing projects and completed investigations. Along with original scientific articles, the journal publishes short reports as well as reviews prepared to special order by the editorial office.

The journal is international in scope, it welcomes articles in English by specialists in the field of condensed matter from all around the world.


JOURNAL SECTIONS: reviews, original articles, short reports, discussions, personalities.
PUBLICATION FREQUENCY: 6 issues a year (February, April, June, August, October, December)
  • Scientific and technical researchers
  • Teachers
  • Post-graduate and undergraduate students



  • Leading researchers from Russian universities
  • Researchers from Russian academic and non-academic research institutes
  • Higher school teachers
  • Postgraduate students
  • Undergraduate students
  • International researchers


In order to attract the largest possible audience of specialists for an extensive (including critical) discussion of the published articles, as well as to put into practice the results of research, the journal follows the "Platinum" model of full open access to publications. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, and print the full texts of the journal's papers. 

Open Access Logo Vector

Materials of the website is allowed to be used on the terms of the license:

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons "Attribution" 4.0, that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.  Creative Commons License 

The full-text electronic version of the journal is available on the journal's website: https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom



  • Russian State Library (RSL)
  • Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU (archived issues of the journal since 2001)
  • The full-text version of the journal is available from the databases of EBSCO Publishing via their EBSCOhost platform.  



Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)

The journal is included in the list of referenced scholarly journals recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles that publishes dissertation abstracts submitted to meet the requirements for PhD and DSc degrees (as per the Russian classification of graduate degrees) in the following fields of study:  02.00.01 – Inorganic Chemistry (Chemical Sciences), 02.00.02 – Analytical Chemistry (Chemical sciences), 02.00.04 – Physical Chemistry (Chemical sciences), 02.00.05 – Electrochemistry (Chemical sciences), 02.00.06 – High molecular compounds (Chemical sciences), 02.00.10 – Bioorganic Chemistry (Chemical sciences), 02.00.11 – Colloidal Chemistry (Chemical sciences), 03.01.04 – Biochemistry (Biological sciences), 03.01.06 – Biotechnology (bionanotechnology) (biological sciences), 03.01.06 – Biotechnology (bionanotechnology) (Chemical sciences)

The journal is included in the International Database Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, in the Database Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on the platform Web of Science. Registered in Crossref (each paper has a Digital Object Identifier – DOI)



Unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for consideration cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the author.

Information or ideas obtained during a review and related to potential benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal benefit.

Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts in case of a conflict of interest due to competitive, collaborative, and other interactions and relationships with any of the authors, companies, or other organizations associated with the submitted study.



When considering the manuscript, the editorial board of the journal can check the material using the anti-plagiarism system (https://www.antiplagiat.ru/)

 In case of the detection of multiple loanwords, the editors will act in accordance with the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/)

 If plagiarism or evidence of duplication of publications is discovered while reviewing or editing a manuscript, the manuscript should be returned to the authors for proper processing or rejected.

If plagiarism, evidence of duplication of publications, or the placement of false information are detected in an article after the journal has been published, the editorial board reserves the right to publish an appropriate explanation for readers in the next issue of the journal and an appropriate notice should be placed on the pages of this article in the electronic version on the website of the journal, or completely exclude the article from the electronic version (with a notification to readers and international databases).



Prior to submission of the manuscript, the author must confirm that the article was not published or was not accepted for publication in another scientific journal. When referencing an article published in "Sorptsionnye i khromatograficheskie protsessy" ("Sorption and Chromatographic Processes"), the publisher asks to place a link (full URL of material) to the official website of the journal.


Postal address:
Voronezh State University
Department of Chemical
1 Universitetskaya pl., r. 443,
394018 Voronezh, Russian Federation

 Telephone: +7 (473) 220-89-32

 e-mail: journal@chem.vsu.ru

 Secretary of the Editorial Board: Voronyuk Iraida V.