Usage of phenol - chloroform extraction and ion-exchange chromatography for analysis of expression of corn scutellum genes CYT-MDH and MT-MDH

  • Vasily N. Popov professor, Head of Dept. Genetics, Cytology and Bioengenering, Voronezh State University, Vorornezh, e-mail
  • Elena V. Maltseva PhD Student, Voronezh State University, Vorornezh
  • Olga I. Grabelnykh PhD, senior scientist, SIPBP RAS, Irkutsk
  • Anastasia S. Strobykina PhD Student, Kazan (Povolzhsky) federal university, Kazan
  • Ekaterina B. Gorsheneva PhD Student, Tambov state university, Tambov
  • Olga P. Lebedeva PhD, Docent, Belgorod state university, Belgorod, e-mail
  • Oleg Yu. Fomenko PhD, Head of the Lab, All- Russia research veterinary institute of a pathology, pharmacology and therapy, Vorornezh, e-mail
  • Еlena V. Semenova PhD, Docent, Voronezh state medical academy, Voronezh, e-mail
  • Yulia V. Chekmeneva PhD, Assistant, Voronezh Forestry Academy, Vorornezh
  • Nikita A. Karpechenko PhD Student, Research institute of wood genetics and selections, Vorornezh, e-mail
Keywords: Phenol-chloroform extraction, malate dehydrogenase, expression.


Us is rotined, that for mRNA isolation Phenol - Chloroform extraction in combination with an
ion exchange on an anionite AV - 17 is possible. In the given activity the attempt is made to analyze
during an ontogenesis of plants there is a regulation of metabolic pathways on molecular level. The
differential expression of a malate dehydrogenase gene shows available of several forms of an enzyme,
that can be one of gears of a regulation of metabolic pathes in a vegetative cell


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How to Cite
Popov, V. N., Maltseva, E. V., Grabelnykh, O. I., Strobykina, A. S., Gorsheneva, E. B., Lebedeva, O. P., Fomenko, O. Y., SemenovaЕ. V., Chekmeneva, Y. V., & Karpechenko, N. A. (2019). Usage of phenol - chloroform extraction and ion-exchange chromatography for analysis of expression of corn scutellum genes CYT-MDH and MT-MDH. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(6). Retrieved from