Academic degree, academic rank, position:
Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Professor, Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry
Scientific speciality in accordance with S. Dr. Diploma:
02.00.11 – Colloid Chemistry
Basic biographical information:
1935 – year of birth
1958 – the completion of specialty degree from the faculty of Chemistry, Voronezh State University
1966 – the completion of Ph.D. Degree in chemistry
1982 – the completion of Dr. Sc. in chemistry
1985 – the award of professor academic title
Research interests:
Membrane Electrochemistry; Ion Exchange Processes; Electromembrane Technology; Quantum Chemistry; Mathematical Modeling of Electrodialysis; the History and Philosophy of Science
Number of publications:
Scientific publications more than 800. Articles in RISC 619, their citation is 1642.
The number of qualified PhDs and doctors of science:
3 Doctors of sciences and 17 Ph.D
Courses taught:
Analytical chemistry; Physical Chemistry of Membrane Processes; Philosophical Problems of Chemistry; Actual Problems of Analytical Chemistry; the History and Philosophy of Science; the Membrane-Sorption Processes as a Basis for Environmental Clean Technologies; Eco-Analytical Chemistry
Organizational and social work:
RSCI ORCID Scopus iD Researcher iD
+7(473) 2551552
Voronezh State University, Faculty of Chemical,
Editorial Office of «Condensed Matter and Interphases»
1 University Square
Voronezh, Russian Federation 394018
+7 (473) 220-84-45