Проектное управление в ресторанном бизнесе и торговле

  • Александр Владимирович Бутов Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Алексей Николаевич Литвинов Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Марина Викторовна Данилина Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Павел Владимирович Трифонов Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Николай Михайлович Рубцов Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Анна Юрьевна Клоницкая Moscow Aviation Institute
  • Екатерина Валерьевна Суркова Moscow Aviation Institute
Keywords: project management, project participants, restaurant business and trade


Purpose of work.  The authors sought to identify the main stages in the development of theory and practice of project management. Project management in the restaurant industry and trade was taken into account.

Materials and methods. This paper presents the basis for interaction of project participants and types of project management offices in the restaurant business.

Results. The article summarizes the various options for project management, which are found in the Russian practice of conducting restaurant business and trade.

Conclusion. Results of the study can be used in the selection of project portfolio management schemes.


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How to Cite
Бутов, А. В., Литвинов, А. Н., Данилина, М. В., Трифонов, П. В., Рубцов, Н. М., Клоницкая, А. Ю., & Суркова, Е. В. (2016). Проектное управление в ресторанном бизнесе и торговле. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 66-73. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2016.11/1512