Development of an analytical complex based on the portable chromatograph “PIA” for studying greenhouse gas emissions
The emission of the greenhouse gas CO2 was studied on 3 test agricultural plots using a specially developed mobile analytical complex based on a portable chromatograph “PIA” produced by NPF MEMS LLC, Samara. The use of two modular gas chromatographic systems with planar microfluidic chromatographic columns based on Porapak N sorbent is proposed. Sampling was carried out using the closed dynamic chamber method. It was shown that the maximum carbon dioxide emission was observed in the control field without fertilizer application (158.609 mg C/m2 h) compared to fertilized plots. These data may indicate the maximum effect of fertilizing. It has also been shown that CO2 emissions are reduced to a greater extent when fertilizers are applied under disking. The use of the developed portable analytical complex for measuring CO2 emissions in the field significantly reduces analysis time, makes the measurement process less labor-intensive, and is a cost-effective option for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions.
IPCC, 2007. Available in: Accessed on 10.09.2024.
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