Diffraction research of porosity of cellulose acetate membrane MGA-95

  • Sergey I. Lazarev Post Head of the Department, Dr.Sci.Tech., the professor, chair Applied geometry and a computer drawing, TSTU, Tambov, E-mail: geometry@mail.nnn.tstu.ru
  • Yuri M. Golovin Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Chemistry, chair Physics, TSTU, Tambov
  • Hellene Yu. Yanovsky associate Professor, Geoinformation systems and technologies, Tambov
  • Dmitry S. Lazarev student, TSTU, Tambov
  • Vadim Yu. Popov Post graduate student, TSTU, Tambov
  • Konstantin V. Shestakov Post graduate student, TSTU, Tambov
Keywords: membrane, pores structure, sorption ability, amorphousness, inertia radiuses.


Method of X-ray diffraction was used for research of sorption regions of air-dry, water-saturated and working samples of a semipermeable membrane MGA-95. Comparative analysis of the diffraction patterns of new and working membrane's samples shows that factor of external influence plays only a catalytic role in the transport of material, but not on the intramolecular structural changes in base of cellulose acetate semipermeable membrane. There was found the structure of membrane MGA-95 pores by smallangle X-ray scattering, which was calculated from the position of the fractal concept, where there are three kinds of pores (sphere, disc, cylinder) and determination of their average inertia radius.


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How to Cite
Lazarev, S. I., Golovin, Y. M., Yanovsky, H. Y., Lazarev, D. S., Popov, V. Y., & Shestakov, K. V. (2019). Diffraction research of porosity of cellulose acetate membrane MGA-95. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 16(3). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/1355