Cluster method for bilberry anthocyanes analysis using HPLC

  • Georgy G. Vasiyarov Head of chromatography department, JSC “BioChemMack S&T”, Moscow
  • Alexander A. Drob Student, Chemistry Department, Lomonosov State University, Moscow
  • Elena V. Titova PhD (chemistry). Leadering Researcher, JSC “BioChemMack S&T”, Moscow
  • Sergei M. Staroverov grand PhD (chemistry), CEO JSC “BioChemMack S&T”, Head of Laboratory “New chemical technologies for medicine”, Chemistry Department, Lomonosov State University, Moscow, e-mail:
Keywords: reversed-phase HPLC, anthocyanes, cluster analysis, bilberry, juice products.


The multicomponent mixtures of anthocyanes from bilberry and blueberry juices were studied by several gradient RP-HPLC modes using octadecyl, hexadecyl, cyanodecyl and phenyl stationary phases. It was shown the separation of all 15 individual glycosides. It was offered a cluster analyses based on peak square normalization for groups of glycosides with the same aglycones. Cluster analysis demonstrates that quantity of each cluster is independent from the type of stationary phase and gradient conditions. It was shown that for bilberry juices the main cluster was based on delfinidine aglycone (34±2%), while for blueberry juices it was based on malvidin aglycone (50±5%). It may be used for the identity determination of juices.


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How to Cite
Vasiyarov, G. G., Drob, A. A., Titova, E. V., & Staroverov, S. M. (2019). Cluster method for bilberry anthocyanes analysis using HPLC. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 16(4). Retrieved from