Surface morphology, and catalytic activity of the copper nanoparticles in the hydrogenation of hexadiene-1,5

  • Elena G. Shubina graduate student of the Department of Physical Chemistry and chromatography of the Samara University, Samara, E-mail:
  • Nikolay S. Filimonov master student of the Department of Physical Chemistry and chromatography of the Samara University, Samara
  • Roman V. Shafigulin Ph.D. Associate Professor of Samara State University, Samara
  • Angela V. Bulanova Ph. D., Professor of Samara University, Samara
  • Igor V. Shishkovsky doctor of physicomathematical Sciences, senior research fellow (primary job), Laboratory of Technological lasers, Samara branch of the Lebedev physical Institute, principal researcher in the Laboratory of innovative additive technologies MSTU - STANKIN, Samara
  • Yuri G. Morozov doctor of physicomathematical Sciences, leading researcher of the Institute of structural Macrokinetics and problems of materials science, Chernogolovka
Keywords: catalysis, hydrogenation, unsaturated hydrocarbons, hexadiene-1,5, copper nanoparticles.


The processes of hydrogenation of diene hydrocarbons are important industrial processes underlying the production of polymers, synthetic rubbers, so the development and study of the properties of new efficient catalysts for the hydrogenation of unsaturated in particular diene hydrocarbons is actual scientific direction. The most promising catalysts for the hydrogenation process are catalysts containing nanoparticles of transition metal.
The article investigated the copper nanoparticles obtained levitation-jet method, which provides a narrow range of sizes of nanoparticles. According to Scanning Electron Microscopy investigated copper nanoparticles has spherical in shape and size of 70-100 nm.
The catalytic properties of the copper nanoparticles deposited on inerton were investigated in hydrogenation hexadiene-1,5. The study was conducted on the original installation; the separation of the reaction mixture by gas chromatography were carried. During the experiment rate constants at different temperatures, and the entropy and energy of activation were determined. The results were compared with data obtained previously studying the kinetics of the hydrogenation of hexyne-1 on this catalyst. The results of these studies have found that thermodynamic factor determining the rate of these processes is the entropy.


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How to Cite
Shubina, E. G., Filimonov, N. S., Shafigulin, R. V., Bulanova, A. V., Shishkovsky, I. V., & Morozov, Y. G. (2019). Surface morphology, and catalytic activity of the copper nanoparticles in the hydrogenation of hexadiene-1,5. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 16(5). Retrieved from