Chromatography spreading on the world countries in the twentieth century
In the review ways of advancement of a chromatography on the world countries in the twentieth century are traced. Publications, books, scientists, workings out of devices to the greatest degree, promoting this process are resulted. In the first third twentieth century separate scientists were engaged in a chromatography only, it is necessary to recognize, that contemporaries could not estimate value of this method in a due measure. Process of a recognition and chromatography application grew in the second third of the century since 1931г. In the last half a century chromatography distribution has already avalanche character. Different methods of the chromatography have been opened, allowing separating and analyzing difficult mixes of molecules, ions and macromolecules. The chromatography began to be applied practically in all branches of a science, techniques and the industry, promoting scientific progress in them. According to all available data from 60 percent of all chemical analyses in the world now are carried out by chromatographic methods. The market of sales the chromatographic equipment, spare parts, columns and services in 2015г has reached about 14 billion dollars.
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