Determination of n-butanol, butyl acetate, styrene in ambient air by gas chromatography method

  • Natalyia V. Anisimova the student of the 5-th course of Lipetsk state technical university, Lipetsk
  • Yuliya N. Komarova c.chem.sci., chief of physical and chemical laboratory of de- partment of industrial ecology OAO “NLMK”, Lipetsk
  • Helena M. Krasnikova c.chem.sci., assistant professor of the chair of chemical- technology of Lipetsk state technical university, Lipetsk, e-mail:
Keywords: n-butanol, butylacetate, styrene, gas chromatography, fotoionizatsionny detector.


The gaschromatography way of determination of n-butanol, butylacetate and styrene in air with
use of the fotoionizatsionny detector is described, and also optimum conditions of carrying out the
analysis are defined. The offered technique allows to define the specified substances in one test and to
reduce analysis time in comparison with individual definition of substances.


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How to Cite
Anisimova, N. V., Komarova, Y. N., & Krasnikova, H. M. (2019). Determination of n-butanol, butyl acetate, styrene in ambient air by gas chromatography method. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(1). Retrieved from