Densitometric analysis opiates in judicial-chemical examination

  • Vasiliy A. Kormishin The correspondence post-graduate student of departament of chemistry of pharmaceutical faculty of the Samara state medical university. The judicial-medical expert of judicial-chemical branch of the bureau of a forensic medical examination of Ulyanovsk region.Phone, E-mail:
  • Aleksander V. Voronin The candidate Sciences of pharmaceutica, the associate professor of departament of chemistry of pharmaceutical faculty of the Samara state medical university, Samara,
  • Tatyana V. Voronina the judicial-medical expert of judicial-chemical branch of the bureau of a forensic medical examination of Samara region, Samara
  • Ivan F. Shatalaev The doctor Sciences of biologia, the professor, head of the departament of chemistry of pharmaceutical faculty of the Samara state medical university, Samara
Keywords: Morfin, codein, densitometric analysis, thin layer chromatography, TLC - manager.


In this article is described the technique working out the densitometric analysis and optimisation
of preliminary research in the chemical-toxicological analysis of morfin and codein. The limit of
detection of 5 mkg in test by a method thin layer chromatography (TLC) with application of more
accessible and economic hardware for the subsequent densitometric is established


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How to Cite
Kormishin, V. A., Voronin, A. V., Voronina, T. V., & Shatalaev, I. F. (2019). Densitometric analysis opiates in judicial-chemical examination. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(1). Retrieved from