About some features of diffusion salts galvanic flowing through reverse osmosis membranes

  • Oleg A. Abonosimov The senior lecturer of chairs “Applied geometry and the computer drawing”, the Tambov state technical university, Tambov, e-mail: geometry@mail.nnn.tstu.ru
  • Sergey I. Lazarev The professor managing chairs “Applied geometry and the computer drawing”, the Tambov state technical university, Tambov
  • Dmitry O. Abonosimov The student of economic faculty, the Tambov state technical university, Tambov
Keywords: diffusion permeability, reverse osmosis membrane, the dissolved substances.


The factor diffusion permeability of reverse osmosis membranes depending on types of
membranes, solutions and concentration ave investigated. Dependences of factors of diffusion
permeability of membranes МGА-95 and МGА-95P from concentration for chrome and copper solutions
are analysed and explained


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How to Cite
Abonosimov, O. A., Lazarev, S. I., & Abonosimov, D. O. (2019). About some features of diffusion salts galvanic flowing through reverse osmosis membranes. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(2). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/1604