Choice of optimum system for definition pigments of leaves of the urticae dioicae by method ТLC

  • Olga V. Trineeva the candidate pharm. sciences, the assistant to faculty of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology of pharmaceutical faculty VGU, Voronezh, e-mail:
  • Alexey I. Slivkin doctor pharm. sciences, the professor, manager of faculty of pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, the dean of pharmaceutical faculty VGU, Voronezh
  • Svetlana V. Voropaeva student of pharmaceutical faculty of VGU, Voronezh
Keywords: leaves of Urticae dioicae, chlorophyll a and b, β-carotine, thin layer chromatography.


Leaves of Urticae dioicae contain a complex of natural pigments, derivatives of a chlorophyll
and the carotinoids presented of carotins and ksantophylls are basic of which. In the real work various
systems are studied and theoretical justification of a choice of optimum conditions of the
chromatography, allowing to carry out division and definition of pigments of leaves of a Urticae dioicae
by a TLC method is given. Results of research can be used for development and improvement of standard
documentation on medicinal vegetative raw materials of a Urticae dioicae.


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How to Cite
Trineeva, O. V., Slivkin, A. I., & Voropaeva, S. V. (2019). Choice of optimum system for definition pigments of leaves of the urticae dioicae by method ТLC. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(2). Retrieved from