Повышение качественных характеристик адсорбентов при формировании поверхностной структуры углеродных нанотрубок каталитическим пиролизом углеводородов

  • Alexander E. Burakov candidate of technical science, senior teacher of the department “Equipment and technologies of nanoproduct manufacture” of TSTU, Tambov
  • Irina V. Romantsova postgraduate of the department “Equipment and technologies of nanoproduct manufacture” of TSTU, Tambov, email: iris_tamb68@mail.ru;
  • Elena A. Burakova candidate of technical science, assistant of the department “Equipment and technologies of nanoproduct manufacture” of TSTU, Tambov
  • Alexey G. Tkachev doctor of technical science, corresponding member of RANS, professor, head of the department “Equipment and technologies of nanoproduct manufacture” of TSTU, Tambov
  • Evgeniy N. Tugolukov doctor of technical science, professor of the department “Equipment and technologies of nanoproduct manufacture” of TSTU, Tambov
Keywords: adsorption, aqueous-alcoholic solution, carbon nanotubes, chemical vapor decomposition, nanomodification, zol-gel technology


Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are the new unique material, which finds wide application in different fields
of a science and equipment. CNTs have a high specific surface and reactionary activity, that’s why adsorption
processes are one of the perspective directions of their use. In this work the method of increase of modern
adsorbents efficiency is offered by a way of superficial nanomodification. As a result of modification in porous
space of the support layer CNTs with controlled parameters is formed. Activated carbon and synthetic zeolite
were chosen as a support of CNTs. CNTs were synthesized by catalytic chemical vapor decomposition. In this
report, contrastive analysis of physicochemical and gas chromatography coefficients aqueous-alcoholic
solutions after treatment by the standard and nanomodified adsorbents was carried out. The received results
showed that the aqueous-alcoholic solution processed by nanomodified adsorbents has the best operational and
organoleptic properties.


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How to Cite
Burakov, A. E., Romantsova, I. V., Burakova, E. A., Tkachev, A. G., & Tugolukov, E. N. (2019). Повышение качественных характеристик адсорбентов при формировании поверхностной структуры углеродных нанотрубок каталитическим пиролизом углеводородов. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(3). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/1620