The influence of calcium ions at development of sorptographic method of peroxydase selection from an extract

  • Natalia V. Glazova candidate of chemical sciences, docent of biotechnology department, SBEI HVE Saint-Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, S-Petersburg
  • Anastasia N. Serkova assistant of biotechnology department, applicant for a degree of the Candidate of Science, SBEI HVE Saint- Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, S-Petersburg, e-mail:
Keywords: peroxydase, black radish, medicine, extraction, sorbents, gel chromatography, sorptographic method.


The enzyme peroxydase is highly demanded in the market in the field of medicine for both
treatment and diagnostics. At the present time in Russia plant peroxydase is not manufactured. So urgent
is the development of an effective method of isolation of peroxydase from cheap and readily available
plant material. We used the fruits of black radish, of which stood out by solid phase extraction an enzyme
with impurity components. To isolate highly purified fractions of peroxydase ionic and nonionic sorbents
used for which matched the best eluents. To assess the quality of peroxydase purification from impurities
gel chromatographic method has been used.


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How to Cite
Glazova, N. V., & Serkova, A. N. (2019). The influence of calcium ions at development of sorptographic method of peroxydase selection from an extract. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(3). Retrieved from