Using sorption method of Acid Retardation in the systems composed of two liquid phases, to address the problems of sample preparation in ICP-MS elemental analysis

  • Elena B. Podgornaya Cand.Sci. (Chem), senior researcher, Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecolog y (RIHOPHE), St-Petersburg, e-mail:
  • Andrey S. Radilov Vice-Director, Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecolog y (RIHOPHE), St-Petersburg
  • Olga I. Burova junior researcher, Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecolog y (RIHOPHE), St-Petersburg
  • Ruslan Kh. Khamizov Dr.Sci (Chem), head of the Laboratory of sorption methods, GEOKhI RAS, Mosсow, e-mail:
Keywords: sample preparing, analyses, soil mineralization product, sorption, separation.


The results of studies are presented for testing new approach to the Acid Retardation method in
which the separation of electrolyte mixes is realized at using columns with anion-exchanging beds filled with
organic liquids immiscible with water and aqueous solutions. Component separation for natural solution of
the digestion of , on soil on the anion exchanger AV-17 in the nitrate form show the proposed approach to be
promising for sample preparation in elemental analysis, in particular, for efficient reduce of the acidity of
solutions produced at the decomposition of hardly decomposed materials..


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How to Cite
Podgornaya, E. B., Radilov, A. S., Burova, O. I., & Khamizov, R. K. (2019). Using sorption method of Acid Retardation in the systems composed of two liquid phases, to address the problems of sample preparation in ICP-MS elemental analysis. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(5). Retrieved from