New kinetic model of multicomponent mass transfer and concentration waves in bi-functional matrix of nanocomposites

  • Anatoliy I. Kalinitchev Doctor Habilitat (Phys. Chem.), principal investigator, Institute for PhysChemistry and ElectroChemistry named after acad. A.N. Frumkin. RAS (Moscow). E-mail:
Keywords: Nano-Composites (NC), mass transfer, concentration waves, diffusion, multicomponent kinetics, bi-functional matrix, active nano-sites.


Theoretical investigation is presented with the purpose of the modeling of the multicomponent
mass transfer in NanoComposites (NC) on the basis of the created NC Model. The NC are well known as
the new materials with the bi-functional matrixes. The NC Model for the bi-functional matrixes of the
NC includes the proposed key concept: two co-existed routes for the mass transfer in the NC matrix.
These two routes are put together: (I) –chemical reactions onto the active nano-sites in the NC matrix, and
(II)-multicomponent diffision mass transfer. The routes (I&II) are co-existed simultaneously inside the bifunctional
NC matrixes.
All results are presented in the terms of the additional concept (W+): multicomponent
concentration waves propagating (and broadening) inside the NC matrix. The propagation of the
concentration waves may be illustrated by the author’s calculated animations obtained on the basis of
computerized solution of the multicomponent mass balance equations. The animations show visually the
propagating concentration waves inside the NC matrix of various shapes: spherical r-bead, cylindrical rofiber
or planar L-membrane.


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How to Cite
Kalinitchev, A. I. (2019). New kinetic model of multicomponent mass transfer and concentration waves in bi-functional matrix of nanocomposites. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 13(6). Retrieved from