The combination of «high performance liquid chromatography – pricipal component» for identification endogenous intoxication. Part I

  • Sergey N. Sychev Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Head of Laboratory "HPLC", UNPK State University, Orel
  • Vera A. Gavrilina Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department Chemistry", Engineer Lab "HPLC", UNPK State University, Orel, e-mail:
Keywords: еndogenous intoxication, high-performance liquid chromatography, method of principal components.


Examined using a combination of "high-performance liquid chromatography - principal
component analysis" (HPLC - CIM) as a method for detecting effects of xenobiotics in the absence of a
xenobiotic and its metabolites in the blood plasma (endogenous intoxication syndrome). It is shown that
the methodology used in the paper can serve as a basis for research in this field. Endogenous intoxication,
high performance liquid chromatography, the method of principal components. Examined using a
combination of "high-performance liquid chromatography - a method of principal components" (HPLC -
PCA) as a method for detecting effects of xenobiotics in the absence of xenobiotics and its
metabolites in blood plasma (a syndrome of endogenous intoxication). It is shown that the
methodology used in the work may serve as a basis for a major breakthrough in this field of medicine


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How to Cite
Sychev, S. N., & Gavrilina, V. A. (2019). The combination of «high performance liquid chromatography – pricipal component» for identification endogenous intoxication. Part I. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 12(5). Retrieved from