Comparison of methylene selectivity for reversed-phase and microemulsion the liquid chromatography
Advantages of microemulsions as mobile phases in liquid chromatography were shown. The
efficiency in MELC mode was found to be comparable with the efficiency in reversed-phase HPLCmode.
The way to reduce pressure in the chromatographic system in MELC mode was suggested. The
increase of the temperature of the mobile phase leads to the pressure reduction in 1.6 times. The optimal
way to obtain stable microemulsions was worked out. It was shown that the consequent addition of the
components during the microemulsion preparation is necessary to reduce time and temperature of the
microemulsion pretreatment. The selectivity of the microemulsion mobile phases was compared with the
selectivity of the reversed-phase ones. The unique selectivity in the MELC mode was shown. The
retention dependency was found to be linear for all the microemulsion mobile phases.
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