The investigation of the chitosan and admixtures by method of the high–performance liquid chromatography at usage of the chromatographic channel of liquid chromatograph in metallic and metalless fulfilment

  • Victor B. Khabarov Candidat of Chemistry, senior research worker, Institution Russian Academy of Science A.N. Frumcin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS, Moscow, е-mail: Khabarov@phyche.ас.ru
  • Alexander Ya. Pronin Candidat of Chemistry, senior research worker, Institution Russian Academy of Science A.N. Frumcin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS, Moscow
  • Aleksey K. Buryak Doctor of Chemical sciens, professor, chief of laboratory, Institution Russian Academy of Science A.N. Frumcin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS, Moscow
Keywords: chitosan, chitosan-chitin, chitosan-albumen, chromatographyc column, highcrosslinked polydivinylbenzen sorbent, HPLC, metallic chromatographyc channel, detectors, stainless steel corrosion, acetic acid.


In the article the comparative data under the analysis of chitosan and admixtures by a method HPLC
on a colum with highcrosslinked polydivinylbenzen (HCLPDVB) sorbent are submitted at usage of a
chromatographic сhannel of a liquid chromatograph (pompe, injector, ultra-violet and refracktometric
detectors) in metallic and metalles fulfilment. The authentic results are reached at definition molecular-mass
distribution (MMD) of polymer chitosan moleculas and contents of impurity connections in chitosan
preparations on a colum with highcrosslinked polydivinylbenzen sorbent on a liquid chromatograph with a
chromatographic сhannel in metalles fulfilment at usage as eluenthe 4 % aqueous solution of acetic acid


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How to Cite
Khabarov, V. B., Pronin, A. Y., & Buryak, A. K. (2019). The investigation of the chitosan and admixtures by method of the high–performance liquid chromatography at usage of the chromatographic channel of liquid chromatograph in metallic and metalless fulfilment. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 11(3). Retrieved from