Sorbtsion clearing of natural and industrial waters from cations of heavy metals and radionuclides with new type of high-temperature alumosilicate adsorbent

  • Alla S. Shilina competitor of the common and spesial chemistry of the Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering The Branch of National Investigated Nuclear University –MIPHI, Obninsk , Е-mail:
  • Victor K. Milinchuk Dr. Sci. (Chemistry), professor, chief of the department of the common and spesial chemistry of the Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering The Branch of National Investigated Nuclear University –MIPHI, Obninsk, Е-mail:
Keywords: sorbent, sorbent capacity.


The structure and sorption properties of new type of micro- and nanostructured alumosilicate
adsorbent was studied. The specific area of the surface sorbent is equal about 1000 m2 /g, the sizes of
sorbent particles is equal from 2 to 20 μ, the density of the sorbent powder is equal 0.3 g/cm3. The
sorption capacity of the sorbent is equal by the cations (mg/g): iron - 580, nickel - 100, lead -240,
copper - 160, caesium - 2350 and strontium - 220. The structural formula of alumosilicate adsorbent was
defined. The results of researches of sorbtion properties of thermally modified sorbent are tested. It's
established that after heating at 600oC the static sorbtion capacity of sorbent in relation to cations of
nickel and lead increases in ~2-3 times. The sorbent effectively deletes the cations of metals from boiling
water solutions that testifies to perspectivity of its application for clearing of water environments at heats.


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How to Cite
Shilina, A. S., & Milinchuk, V. K. (2019). Sorbtsion clearing of natural and industrial waters from cations of heavy metals and radionuclides with new type of high-temperature alumosilicate adsorbent. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(2). Retrieved from