Investigation of the cobalt and nickel ions sorption kinetics by phosphorus-containing cationite

  • Rasim M. Alosmanov associate professor, Department of High Molecular Compounds chemistry, e-mail:
Keywords: phosphorus-containing cationite, cobalt, nickel, kinetics.


Regularities of the cobalt and nickel ions sorption kinetics onto phosphorus-containing cationite
have been investigated. On the basis of obtained results have been determined that the limitative stage of
reaction is both internal and external diffusion. Moreover the interaction of sorbed ions with functional
groups of cationite brings the definite contribution to the general rate of processes.


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How to Cite
Alosmanov, R. M. (2019). Investigation of the cobalt and nickel ions sorption kinetics by phosphorus-containing cationite. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(3). Retrieved from