Structure and interaction with metalloindicators solutions of the silica gels modified by monoethanolamine

  • Artem V. Sharov assistant, physical and applied chemistry department, GOU VPO “Kurgan state university”, Kurgan, e-mail: archibald-
  • Oleg V. Filisteev dean, faculty of natural science, GOU VPO “Kurgan state university”, Kurgan , e-mail:
Keywords: monoethanolamine, silica gel, aminoethoxy groups, curve titration, infrared spectroscopy.


For investigation of a surface layer structures of silica gels with the different pore size, modified
by monoethanolamine and as interactions of the superficial structures with water solutions of calcium
ions both metalloindicators calmagite and arsenazo I are used IR-spectroscopy and potentiometric
titration methods. It is positioned, that monoethanolamine molecules covalently contact a surface of silica
gels with formation of ester groups Si-O-C. Received surface aminoethoxy groups possess properties of
mild base and are capable to create рН = 9 in aqueous slurries of the modified silica gels


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How to Cite
Sharov, A. V., & Filisteev, O. V. (2019). Structure and interaction with metalloindicators solutions of the silica gels modified by monoethanolamine. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(3). Retrieved from