Ion-exchange separation of methionine from water solutions of various acidity on KRF-5p

  • Elena V. Grigorova the post-graduate student, Chair of physical and colloid chemistry, The Voronezh State Technological Academy, Voronezh, е-mail:
  • Larisa P. Bondareva associate prof., Cand.Chem.Sci., Chair of physical and colloid chemistry, The Voronezh State Technological Academy, Voronezh
  • Tamara S. Kornienko professor, Doctor.Tech.Sci, Chair of physical and colloid chemistry, The Voronezh State Technological Academy, Voronezh
  • Diana V. Ovsyannikova Cand.Chem.Sci., the senior teacher, Chair of quality management and machine-building technologies, The Voronezh State Technological Academy, Voronezh
Keywords: Ion exchange, methionine.


The sorbtion of L, D-methionine on phosphate cation-exchanger КРФ-5п was studied by
sorbtion and spectroscopic methods. Equilibrium characteristics of sorbtion aminoacid on КРФ-5п in
protonation and sodium forms from environments of various acidity are received. It is established that
from acid solutions there is not exchange absorption of methionine, and from alkaline – mixed molecular
and ionic sorbtion.


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How to Cite
Grigorova, E. V., Bondareva, L. P., Kornienko, T. S., & Ovsyannikova, D. V. (2019). Ion-exchange separation of methionine from water solutions of various acidity on KRF-5p. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 10(5). Retrieved from