Dynamics of soil absorption capacity after pyrogenic impacts
The dynamics of SAC is characterized by such indicators as the sum of absorbed bases, the cation
exchange capacity and the degree of soil saturation with bases. Also important is the reaction of the soil environment, which has a huge impact on the growth and development of plants.
Objective: to identify the dynamics of SAC indices in sod-forest gley-eluvial sandy soils after a forest
fire. Tasks: inception of soil cuts and their morphological description; determination of the main physicochemical and physical parameters studied according to generally accepted methods; variation-statistical processing of the results obtained using Box Plot and Microsoft Excel programs and their comparative analysis.
The actual material on the basis of which the article was written, obtained as a result of comprehensive
studies and the physicochemical composition of the soils of the Central Chernozem region, conducted in
2011-2018. The objects of research are the soils: sod-forest gley-eluvial sandy sand (the biocenter of the
VSU «Venevitinovo», Voronezh Region).
The dynamics of the SAC of sod-forest soils is associated with their low buffering capacity and the
degree of soil saturation with bases. According to the results of the study after a forest fire, the content of
exchangeable calcium and magnesium cations decreased by 8.7% compared with background soils. Compared to 2011, the content of exchange cations in 2018 increased slightly. This phenomenon is due to the fact that sod-forest soils have a low ability to resist changes in the environment and low effective fertility, which is determined by generic and species traits, the most important of which are humus content, particle size distribution, physico-chemical properties and thickness of the parent rock.
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