Effect of the aggregate stability of actinomycete cells of Streptomyzes chromogenes s.g 0832 on waste water treatment

  • Larisa V. Bryndina Morozov Voronezh State Forest Engineering University, Voronezh
  • Konstantin K. Polyansky Voronezh branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Voronezh
Keywords: aggregate stability, microbial cells, waste water, biological treatment.


Since 1 January 2019, a number of changes related to the environmental regulation of economic enti-ties have been introduced in the Russian Federation. All these changes are aimed at the adoption of the best available technologies by businesses. Their introduction will help to mitigate, and at best, to eliminate the negative impact on the environment.
The high level of water consumption by agricultural enterprises (especially the meat industry) has led to serious environmental problems. Discharge liquids contain a large amount of protein, fat, and other specific contaminants. A large proportion of all waste water flows into the urban waste water disposal systems without any treatment. Therefore, the introduction of biological technologies is timely and relevant.
The sorption and flocculating properties of microbial cells have been known for a long time. It has been noted that the surface of the cell wall of microorganisms is able to regulate the aggregate stability of cells. However, the quality of the process is affected by the specific type of microorganism, the stage of its cultiva-tion, the composition of the medium in which it has been growing, and other environmental factors.
Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the aggregate stability of actinomycete cells of Streptomyzes chromogenes s.g 0832.
As a result of the research, it was found that the adhesion resistance of bacterial cells of Str. chromo-genes s. g. 0832 depends on the duration of their cultivation. The best adhesion properties are demonstrated by actinomycete culture after 48 hours of biosynthesis. The value of the ζ-potential by this time was 52.3 mV. High biomass yield (1.5 g) and maximum proteolytic activity (6.1 mg/dm3) were also observed. As a result of 70 minutes of contact in the process of waste water treatment with 48-hour-old Str. chromogenes s.g. 0832, the degree of purification in the "turbidity" indicator increased by 13.3 times compared to the initial flow. Thus, the performed experiment confirmed the effect of the electrokinetic potential of the surface of bacterial cells on their aggregate stability. The obtained data can be applied to improve the efficiency of biological waste water treatment.


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Author Biographies

Larisa V. Bryndina, Morozov Voronezh State Forest Engineering University, Voronezh

Professor of the Department of life safety and legal relations, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Voronezh state forest engineering Univer-sity. G. F. Morozov e-mail: bryndinv@mail.ru

Konstantin K. Polyansky, Voronezh branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Voronezh

Professor of the De-partment of Commerce and commodity science, doc-tor of technical Sciences, Voronezh branch of The Russian University of Economics. G. V. Plekhanova


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How to Cite
Bryndina, L. V., & Polyansky, K. K. (2020). Effect of the aggregate stability of actinomycete cells of Streptomyzes chromogenes s.g 0832 on waste water treatment. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 20(2), 215-222. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2020.20/2775

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