Identification of coefficient of electric-selectivity and its dependence on thermodynamic factors in exchange of multicharged ions

  • В. Ф. Селеменев Selemenev Vladimir V. – doctor of science, professor, head of Department of analitical chemistry, chemical faculty, Voronezh State University, Voronezh
  • В. А. Кузьминых Kuzminykh Vitaly A. – Ph.D, leading engineer, Department of analitical chemistry, chemical faculty, Voronezh State University, Voronezh; email:
Keywords: phenomenology, ion-exchange adsorption, equilibrium, strong dissociating ionexchange resin, different electrical ion-charges, isotherm of sorption


Objects of research the equilibrium ion exchange system with selective exchange of multiply
charged ions between strong base ion exchangers and solutions of binary mixtures of strong electrolytes with
a common multiply charged co-ions. Subject –thermodynamic selectivity estimation problem in the exchange
of differently charged ions and control the separation factor as the key indicator of the effectiveness of the
process used. To identify the relationship differently charged ions separation factor with the compositions of
the interacting phases and other factors influence the state of thermodynamic equilibrium. Test method –
phenomenological, based on the application to the description of the equilibrium ion exchange systems of
laws of chemical thermodynamics and its corollaries, using the equation of Gibbs-Duhem. The equation that
expresses the relationship between the partition coefficient of ions and factors affecting their metabolism: the
thermodynamic equilibrium constant of ion exchange, the difference in counter-charges and their total
concentrations in interacting phases, collectively determining factor electrical selectivity manifestation.
Established relationship allows determine the contribution electrical selectivity as one of the factors of
influence in the separation of ions in any proportions of their charges and concentrations; opens up the
possibility of approximating the equilibrium isotherms exchange of multiply charged ions by the Langmuir
isotherm Nikolsky.


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How to Cite
Селеменев, В. Ф., & Кузьминых, В. А. (2018). Identification of coefficient of electric-selectivity and its dependence on thermodynamic factors in exchange of multicharged ions. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(3), 412-420.