Determination of coefficients of mathematical model of regeneration and washing for ion-exchange technological schemes data base supplementation

  • Н. К. Галкина Galkina Nadezhda R. – Ph.D. (Chem.), Senior researcher, Lab of Sorption Methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
  • И. В. Комарова Komarova Irina V. – Ph.D. (Chem.), Senior researcher, Lab of Sorption Methods, GEOKHI RAS, Moscow
Keywords: ion exchangers, hydrodynamic model of regeneration, washing and deep washing, coefficients of mathematical models, database.


Replenishment the data base for the calculating program of technological schemes of
demineralization «Createscheme» by hydrodynamic coefficients for a number ion-exchangers applied in
power plant.
Regeneration and washing process in few different flow rate was illustrated by output curves on
special ASNI GEOHI conductometric stand. For the description of hydrodynamic process the diffusive
model was accepted. Two parameters were defined by method of inversed problems: coefficient of
longitudinal diffusion (D) and porosity of an ion-exchangers ().These parameters were estimated by
minimization of the criterion which is the sum of squares of deviations of experimental breakthrough curves
from model one.
Correlation of longitudinal diffusion coefficients on the flow rate were described by the simple
regression equation. By the developed technique were investigated anion-exchangers AT-660, AD, ZeroliteFF
– 1 N alkali, and also cation-exchangers IRA-120, Diaion-SK1B, Duolite-C20 – 1 N hydrochloric acid
and their indicators in the formulas of dependence of coefficient of diffusion on flow rate were defined.
For anion-exchangers the deep washing coefficients were also defined. The received coefficients were
included to the data base of mathematical models of regeneration and washing coefficients used by the
«Createscheme» program for calculation of ion-exchange technological schemes.


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How to Cite
Галкина, Н. К., & Комарова, И. В. (2018). Determination of coefficients of mathematical model of regeneration and washing for ion-exchange technological schemes data base supplementation. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(5), 636-642.