Some sorption characteristics of silica gel with covalently immobilized pyridine-containing formazans

  • А В. Данилова Danilova Anna V. – Graduate Students, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
  • Д. Н. Коншина Konshina Dzhamilya N. – Ph. D. (chemistry), Associate professor, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, e-mail:
  • З. А. Темердашев Temerdashev Zaual` А. – Doctor of Science (chemistry), Professor, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
  • В. В. Коншин Konshin Valery V. – Ph. D. (chemistry), Associate professor, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
Keywords: Chelating sorbents, sorbtion, transition metal ions, the mutual influence, formazane


Investigation of the behavior of system "sorbent - sorptive " in a multi-component conditions of
various levels concentrations of sorptives is one of the most complex problems of modern analytical
chemistry. The objects of the study were silica gel covalently immobilized pyridine-containing formazans.
The coefficients of distribution, maximum capacity of Cu (II), Co (II), Cd (II) and Ni (II) during sorption of a
modified silica gel from solutions was obtained. Kinetic sorption of metals were investigated, experimental
data were processed by the equations kinetic models pseudo-second-order. It was shown that the competitive
adsorption is realized on the obtained complexing materials such as non-additive process at different
concentration levels of sorptives.


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How to Cite
Данилова, А. В., Коншина, Д. Н., Темердашев, З. А., & Коншин, В. В. (2018). Some sorption characteristics of silica gel with covalently immobilized pyridine-containing formazans. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(5), 649-656.