Non-exchange sorption of amino acids from individual solutions and their mixtures by anion exchanger AB-17-2P (Cl)

  • Е. С. Трунаева Trunaeva Eugenia S. – postgraduate student, department of analytical chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh. e-mail:
  • Е. Ю. Кожухова Kozhukhova Eugenia Yu. – master, department of analytical chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh. e-mail:
  • О. Н. Хохлова Khokhlova Oksana N. – associate professor, department of analytical chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, e-mail:
Keywords: non-exchange sorption, amino acid, high basic anion exchanger.


Non-exchange sorption is one of the possible mechanisms of absorption of substances by ion
exchangers. Research of the sorption in conditions of the non-exchange absorption by high basic anion
exchangers is interesting because the functional groups prevent the absorption of the substance by the sorbent
due to the higher ionization degree, on the one hand. The high basic anion exchangers contain a larger
amount of water in the sorbent phase in compared to the low basic sorbents which promotes the absorption of
substances according to non-exchange mechanism, on the other hand. Therefore the system containing anion
exchanger AV-17-2P in Cl-form and aromatic amino acids (tyrosine, tryptophan and histidine) is
investigated. The purpose of this work was to study of non-exchange sorption regularity of aromatic and
heterocyclic amino acids and their mixtures by anion exchanger AV-17-2P in Cl-form. It should be noted that
tyrosine and tryptophan in water solution are presented in the form of zwitter-ion (bipolar ion) (pH 6,3-7,5)
and histidine is mainly in the form of a single charged cation (pH 3,5-4,5). Research of non-exchange
sorption of amino acids from individual solutions and their mixes was carried out in static conditions by the
method of variable concentration.
It is shown that at low concentration of solution the series of sorption selectivity - Trp± > Рhe± >
His+ > Tyr±
, that corresponds to the series of hydrophobicity of amino acids zwitter-ions, except the histidine
(possibly, because of its use in the form of a hydrochloride). It is similar to systems with low basic anion
exchangers. The series of sorption Рhe± > Trp± ≈ His+ > Tyr± changes at high concentration of solution. High
sorption ability of phenylalanine is related with the formation of associates in solution and sorbent. It
determines the features of this amino acid absorption mechanism. It is established that the absorption of
tryptophane remains almost unchanged in comparison with the sorption from individual solutions at sorption
of a mixture of tryptophane and histidine (hydrochloride), and absorption of histidine decreases due to
protolytic interactions in the sorption system.


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How to Cite
Трунаева, Е. С., Кожухова, Е. Ю., & Хохлова, О. Н. (2018). Non-exchange sorption of amino acids from individual solutions and their mixtures by anion exchanger AB-17-2P (Cl). Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 15(5), 657-663.