Sorbents for HPLC. Current state and new directions of development (Overview)

  • Yakov I. Yashin Scietegra Group of Companies, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Alexander Ya. Yashin Scietegra Group of Companies, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: sorbents, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), reverse phase (RP) mode, silica gels, separation, monolithic columns, molecularly imprinted polymers, chiral sorbents, sorbent structure.


A column with a sorbent is the main unit of a liquid chromatograph, since it performs the most important operation - the separation of a mixture’s components. Analysis cannot be performed without the separation of a complex mixture. Therefore, attention is constantly paid to the development of new sorbents. The sorbent provides a constant drive to the improvement of column efficiency, selectivity, and separation speed. Since the advent of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the greatest interest has been shown to sorbents for reversed phase chromatography (RPC) - silica gels with embedded alkyl groups. The methods of their improvement are endcapping, increasing the range of operation with aqueous eluents by embedding of polar groups into the alkyl chain, and using sorbents with stability over the entire pH range (1-14). For 50 years (1970-2020) RPC has been the leader in practical applications (from 60 to 80%) in various years. The retention capacity and selectivity of sorbents with embedded alkyl chains depends on the number of alkyl chains or on the total carbon content per unit weight of the sorbent, which ranges from 8 to 20%. Silica gels with an average pore size of 80, 100, 120 Å are used to separate low molecular weight compounds, and silica gels with pores of 300 Å are used to separate high molecular weight compounds. The review presents new technologies for the production of sorbents: perfusion, monolithic columns, sorbents with pores of the same size, and macroporous carbon adsorbents. A list of unusual sorbents for HPLC is given: hypercross-linked polymers, carbon nanotubes, polycapillary columns, liquid crystals, graphene and graphene oxide, ionic liquids, etc. Lists of sorbents for chiral and hydrophilic chromatography are presented.

Sorbents for chiral chromatography are based on polysaccharides, crown ethers, cyclodextrins, antibiotics, nanotubes, nanoparticles, ionic liquids, etc. In hydrophilic chromatography, strongly polar sorbents are used: hydroxylated silica gel, modified silica gels with aminopropyl, cyanopropyl, diol, amide, and zwitterionic groups. Ionic liquids are used as sorbents in hydrophilic chromatography. The process of improving sorbents for HPLC continues and new achievements in this direction await us.


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Author Biographies

Yakov I. Yashin , Scietegra Group of Companies, Moscow, Russian Federation

Dr.Sci. (chemistry) professor

Alexander Ya. Yashin , Scietegra Group of Companies, Moscow, Russian Federation

 Dr.Sci. (chemistry), Senior Researcher


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How to Cite
Yashin , Y. I., & Yashin , A. Y. (2021). Sorbents for HPLC. Current state and new directions of development (Overview). Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 21(2), 235-245.