Silver chloride using for mass-spectrometric investigation of amino acids on carbon sorbents

  • И. С. Пыцкий Pytskii Ivan S. – PhD (chemistry), laboratory of physical-chemical basics of chromatography and chromato-mass-spectrometry, Institute of Physical chemistry and electrochemistry, Moscow. E-mail:
  • Е. С. Кузнецова Kuznetsova Elena S. – PhD (chemistry), laboratory of synthesis and investigation of sorbents, Institute of Physical chemistry and electrochemistry, Moscow.
  • А. К. Буряк Buryak Alexey K. – prof., grand PhD (chemistry), laboratory of physical-chemical basics of chromatography and chromato-mass-spectrometry Institute of Physical chemistry and electrochemistry, Moscow.
Keywords: mass-spectrometry, silver chloride, formation of clusters, detection limit, carbon sorbents.


Different types of carbon blacks and five amino acids was investigated Mass spectrometry method
with laser desorption / ionization was used. The method allows us to investigate not only the ionization from
any surface, but also in the ionisation mass spectra judge the state of the surface under study. The use of this
method for the study of surfaces of various types of carbon blacks not only to evaluate the sorption characteristics
of carbon blacks, but also the state of the surface after sorption.We studied all the amino acids on the
stainless steel surfaces, different soot and on the same soot with the addition of silver chloride. It was shown
that ionization on soots more efficiently than on the stainless steel surface. The addition of silver chloride to
the test compound produces peaks dimer of amino acids and adducts of silver. The method allows to increase
the sensitivity and accuracy Method is «green chemistry» method and requires no toxic chemicals.


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How to Cite
Пыцкий, И. С., Кузнецова, Е. С., & Буряк, А. К. (2018). Silver chloride using for mass-spectrometric investigation of amino acids on carbon sorbents. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(2), 191-195.