Quantitative cluster HPLC-analysis of anthocyanes

  • А. А. Дробь Drob Alexandre A. – Laborant, JSC “BioChemMack S&T”, Student, Chemistry department, Lomonosov State University, Moscow
  • Г. Г. Васияров Vasiyarov Georgii G. – Head of chromatography department JSC “BioChemMack S&T”, Moscow
  • Е. В. Титова Titova Elena V.– Ph.D. (chemistry), Leadering Researcher, JSC “BioChemMack S&T”
  • С. М. Староверов Staroverov Sergey M.– grand Ph.D (chemistry), CEO JSC “BioChemMack S&T”, Head of Laboratory “New chemical technologies for medicine”, Chemistry department, Lomonosov State University Moscow, email:staroverov@bcmst.ru
Keywords: anthocyanines, reversed-phase HPLC, bilberry, clusters


This work continues the studies evaluating the content of anthocyanins in natural raw materials,
juices, wines, medicines and dietary supplements by gradient HPLC. In previous papers, it was first suggested
method for determine the authenticity of samples by a relative (normalized) content of so-called clusters,
i.e. groups of anthocyanidins glycosides with the same aglycone, with using the reversed-phase HPLC.
In this study, the cluster approach was applied to calculate the content of anthocyanins in Bilberry Forte
(Evalar, Russia) and drug Mirtilene Forte (SiFi, Italy). Сyanidin-glucoside and malvidin-glucoside (Sigma,
USA) were used as the external standards. The content of the clusters with similar spectral characteristics (1st
group included Cyd, Pnd and the 2d - Mvd, Ptd, Dpd) were determined in accordance to the relevant standard.
The obtained data were compared with the results of pH-dependent differential spectrophotometry for
the same samples. It was shown that the discrepancies did not exceed 20 %. Thus, the method of quantitative
determination of anthocyanins in different samples using HPLC and cluster analysis can be recommended as
an alternative and more informative method than the generally accepted differential spectrophotometry.


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How to Cite
Дробь, А. А., Васияров, Г. Г., Титова, Е. В., & Староверов, С. М. (2018). Quantitative cluster HPLC-analysis of anthocyanes. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(2), 243-249. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2017.17/376