Influences of various factors on the sorption interactions of conducting polymer with respect to influenza viruses

  • В. Т. Иванова Ivanova Valeria T. - Dr.Sci.(virology) Leading researcher, Lab of etiology and epidemiology of influenza D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology FSBI “N.F. Gamaleya FRCEM” MoPH of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
  • Е. О. Гарина Garina Ekaterina O. - researcher, Lab of etiology and epidemiology of influenza D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology FSBI “N.F. Gamaleya FRCEM” MoPH of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
  • И. Ю. Сапурина Sapurina Irina Yurevna Dr.Sci. (Chem), Leading researcher, Lab Laboratory of anisotropic and structureted polymer sistems, Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, e-mail:
  • Ярослав Стейскал Stejskal Jaroslav PhD. Head of the Lab of conductive polymers, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, e-mail:
  • О. Л. Грибкова Gribkova Oxana Leonidovna – PhD, senior researcher, lab. “Electronic and photonic processes in polymeric nanomaterials” A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
  • Е. С. Кириллова Kirillova Elena Sergeevna - PhD, leading researcher, lab of etiology and epidemiology of influenza D.I. Ivanovsky, Institute of Virology FSBI “N.F. Gamaleya FRCEM” MoPH of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
  • В. Ф. Иванов Ivanov Victor Fedorovich - Dr. Sci.(Phis/Chem) Leading researcher, Lab “Electronic and photonic processes in polymeric nanomaterials”, A.N Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
  • Е. И. Бурцева Burtseva Elena Ivanovna Dr.Med.Sci, Head of the Lab. of etiology and epidemiology of influenza D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology FSBI “N.F. Gamaleya FRCEM” MoPH of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
Keywords: sorption, polypyrrole, influenza viruses, temperature and ultrasound treatment.


Electrically conductive polymer, polypyrrole with conjugated chain structure, being an insoluble and non-toxic compound and possessing a developed surface and a porous structure, is capable to interact with a wide range of organic and inorganic compounds, including heavy metal ions, organic toxins and micro pathogens: bacteria and viruses. In order to use polypyrrole for deep water purification, the sorption interactions of the polymer with influenza viruses have been studied. The influences of various factors that destroy sorption interactions (solvent exposure, elevated temperature and ultrasound) on interaction of the polymer with the virus have been discussed. The possibility of desorption of the virus under the influence of the above factors has been studied. The infectious activity of virus in the aqueous media treated with the sorbent, as well as of the virus bounding to the polymer and the virus desorbed from polymer has been determined.

It was established that polypyrrole adsorbed the strains of viruses A (H3N2) from the aquatic environment by reducing their concentration from 32 to 256 times. Wherein, the polymer does not release the virus when dispersed in a fresh portion of the solvent. Regardless of the temperature and ultrasonic treatment, there are no infectious neither the aqueous phase nor the polypyrrole with a bound virus. However, low-frequency ultrasound of low power can desorb the virus from the polymer, which is accompanied by the destruction of the virus (the destruction of its outer shell). The heat treatment of polypyrrole itself showed that when it warms up to 100°C, the sorption activity of polymer does not decrease.

The study showed that polypyrrole firmly holds the adsorbed virus, suppressing its infectivity. However, the desorption of the "dead" virus by ultrasound is possible, which opens up prospects for the regeneration of the sorbent and its repeated use. The work is relevant for the practical use of the polymer sorbent, the tasks of its regeneration and reusable use, as well as for solving auxiliary medical problems - the concentration of viruses from the solutions for analysis


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How to Cite
Иванова, В. Т., Гарина, Е. О., Сапурина, И. Ю., Стейскал, Я., Грибкова, О. Л., Кириллова, Е. С., Иванов, В. Ф., & Бурцева, Е. И. (2018). Influences of various factors on the sorption interactions of conducting polymer with respect to influenza viruses. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 17(4), 592-600.