Sorption of doubly charged ions of iron group metals on glauconite from three-component stationary and flowing Solutions and media containing hardness cations

  • Vladimir I. Vigdorovich Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Chief Scientific Officer of VNIITiN, Professor of Tambov State Technical University in combination, Tambov, e-mail:
  • Lyudmila Е. Tsygankova doctor of chemical sciences, professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Ecological Safety of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, e-mail:
  • Olga V. Alekhina Candidate of Chemistry, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Environmental Safety, Tambov State University named after GR. Derzhavin, Tambov
  • Marina N. Uryadnikova Marina N. Uryadnikova Marina N. - Candidate of Chemistry, senior lecturer of the Department of Chemistry and Environmental Safety, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, e-mail:
Keywords: : sorption, glauconite, flux, stationary solution, multicomponent medium, iron, cobalt, nickel, hardness cations, active centers, selectivity


The sorption of cations of two series is investigated: Iron groups (Fe (II), Co (II) Ni (II)) from stationary sulfate media at the same concentration (0.1 mmol/dm3) and from flowing solutions with a linear flow velocity (u) 0.3 and 0.5 m/h and the height of the sorbent layer is h=0.5 cm. The stiffness cations (Ca (II), Mg (II)) and Ni (II) at the initial concentration of the latter are 147 times smaller than the ions of alkaline earth metals (flowing chloride solutions with u=0.3 m/h and h=1.5 cm).

As a sorbent, 95% glauconite concentrate was used with preliminary chemical preparation (20 min in 0.1 M NaOH, washing, treatment with, 1 M HCl and after neutralization transfer for 1 hour into Na-form in 3 M NaCl). The extraction depth of the cations was evaluated by the coefficient r, which is the ratio of the difference in cation concentrations in the initial solution and in the medium at the certain time or at the end of the experiment to their initial value at room temperature.

The kinetic curves of sorption of cations of the first series from stationary solutions have a maximum observed after 20 minutes from the beginning of the process, and the value of r reaches 90% or more in 10 minutes after extraction of cations from one- and three-component media. The sorption of Fe (II), Co (II) Ni (II) from the first and second media proceeds at close rates and a value of r. The specific adsorption of all cations from single- and three-component media is practically the same. A similar picture is also observed with sorption from flowing solutions.

Sorption of nickel from solutions containing cations of the second group proceeds for the first 80 minutes with r (Ni (II)) equal to 1. The obtained data show that different active centers of glauconite selectively sorb cations of various nature. They allow us to assume that the sorption purification of the cations studied can be conducted with equal success both from multicomponent and sequentially from one- component solutions of sorbates of the same nature


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How to Cite
Vigdorovich, V. I., TsygankovaL. Е., Alekhina, O. V., & Uryadnikova Marina N., M. N. (2018). Sorption of doubly charged ions of iron group metals on glauconite from three-component stationary and flowing Solutions and media containing hardness cations. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 18(1), 35-42.