Adsorption, ion-exchange and bacteriostatic properties of silica modified with silver oxide

  • Tatyana А. Kotelnokova Cand.Chem.Sci., the senior scientific employee, faculty of physical chemistry, chemical faculty of the Moscow state university it M.V.Lomonosova, Moscow, e-mail;
Keywords: adsorbents, disinfection of water, impurities, modification, aluminum and silver ions, gas chromatography, ion exchange, microbiological study, bacteriostasis


For disinfection of drinking water, silica synthesized on the basis of chemically pure, homogeneous and broad - porous industrial silochrome C-120 by modifying its surface with aluminum cations is proposed. This adsorbent carrying on its surface a broad range of sorption centers, capable of different types of intermolecular interactions, exhibits a high sorption activity in relation to substances or modeling of possible impurities in drinking water: n. alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, their chlorinated derivatives, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, amines. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the nature of sorption centers is given on the basis of the results obtained by gas chromatography and acid – base titration. Microbiological studies using Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli showed that broad porous silica of which surface had been modified with aluminosilicate centers can be used for disinfection of drinking water, and to be a successful alternative silver-containing bakteriostatikami. Adsorption of the microorganism in the reactive surface of the aluminosilicate carbonyl or amino groups of the peptide, and part of the radical of amino acids capable of forming with these centres of the hydrogen and salt links. At the same time, they replace the intramolecular hydrogen bonds existing in the protein molecule, which leads to a change in the secondary and tertiary structure of biopolymers.the Undeniable advantage of adsorbents of this kind is that the destruction of microorganisms on their surface is irreversible, and in addition, the probability of intoxication with silver is excluded.


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How to Cite
KotelnokovaT. А. (2018). Adsorption, ion-exchange and bacteriostatic properties of silica modified with silver oxide. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 18(2), 257-264.