The investigation of scandium sorption on the fibrous nitrogen- phosphorus-containing resin

  • Yulia V. Sokolova Leading Research Fellow of Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, E-mail:
  • Kirill Yu. Pirozhenko Ph.D., Leading technologist of Ltd «LIT» GC Skygrad, Moscow region, Korolev
Keywords: Scandium, recovery, ion exchange resin, fibrous sorbent, adsorption isotherm, adsorption kinetic.


The sorption properties of the fibrous nitrogen-phosphorus-containing ion exchange resin FIBAN P1-3 were studied in the extraction of Sc(III) from sulfuric acid solution of complex salt composition, modeling underground leaching of uranium (ML). The equilibrium and kinetics of scandium sorption have been studied. We have established that during sorption from ML, an efficient separation of scandium from ions of alkali, alkaline earth metals, Al (III) and Y (III) occurs. The most difficult-to-separate impurity is Fe (III). An equation describing sorption of scandium on the investigated ionite with the formation of a chelate is proposed. By processing the kinetic data from the film kinetics equation and the results of the experiment with interruption of phase contact, it was established that the limiting diffusion of scandium from the sulfate solution on the test ionite is external diffusion. The half-sorption time of Sc (III) from a solution of scandium sulfate is 25 seconds, from ML is 10 minutes. We have shown that sorption of scandium on the fibrous resin FIBAN P1-3 in dynamic conditions when using staple in the form of a fixed layer is characterized by an early breakthrough, an elongated shape of the output curve, but a high value of the total dynamic capacity (1036.8 мg·кg-1).

As a desorbent, a solution of ammonium bifluoride was used, which allows quantitative desorption of scandium and its concentration without using an elevated temperature. The data obtained make it possible to recommend FIBAN P1-3 fibrous resin for the extraction of scandium from solutions of complex salt composition.


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How to Cite
Sokolova, Y. V., & Pirozhenko, K. Y. (2018). The investigation of scandium sorption on the fibrous nitrogen- phosphorus-containing resin. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 18(3), 373-380.